Saturday, December 13, 2008

No Time!

Been working on the clandestine Christmas scarf for hubby and have much more to do. It's that Noro one with over 2,000 projects going on Ravelry - it is really addictive - those color changes just keep you going. Hard to find secret knitting time so he won't see me working on it - any ideas?

Just got note from Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle and I got into 2 of their Nordic knitting conference classes this year in the lottery! Both with Beth Brown Reinsel. I'll be going to Madrona in Tacoma, WA for 2 other classes so this caps my knitting education budget for the nextcouple of years!

Back to knitting....

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's Cold!

The week of Thanksgiving and I've barely started preparations. How long to defrost a turkey? Where to put the bird? Do I send those change of address postcards that should have gone out months ago? Just the normal run up to a frantic holiday season. At least I completed one thing. Enjoy!