Saturday, March 5, 2011

Not enough time...

I have been a lazy blogger. Actually, I have been a non-blogger for over a year now - there just too much going on to find the time to blog...I really intended to carry on as I go (or whatever the quote is from Elizabeth Z) but work and life continually get in the way.

My knitting is hampered by a numb thumb - a mystery that keeps me up sometimes but I did manage to finish the Traveling Woman Shawl by Liz Abinante in Madeline Tosh Sock - Filigree colorway - love this yarn!

This will be taken on a trip to France this spring! I am proud that I started and finished it in the same month without getting sidetracked by other even more lovely projects.

Next is a ruffle scarf for my friend in France...then maybe I'll get around to some UFO's and more blogging...

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