Friday, May 8, 2015

Back at it again...

After a very long break, I am back to revive this blog....I had to figure out how to sign in first...

So much has happened in the last 2 years.  Spinning takes up more of my time, I think I am obsessed with it, in a good way.  I have fiber all over the house and I see colors in a more pronounced way and think "how can this be captured in fiber?"

And so it goes....

Some pictures of my recent spinning:

I have acquired tools for spinning which, much like yarn stash, takes on a life of it's own.
My go-to wheel is a Schacht Matchless: 
I was fortunate enough to find this used wheel in great condition from a local spinner who sold it to me for a fair price.  It was LOVE at first treadle!  I sold my first wheel to make room and help offset the cost of the Matchless.  That first wheel (I purchased used off of ebay) was an Ashford Traditional, which was a good wheel, but the Matchless is simply Awesome! 

My travel wheel is an Ashford Joy (I/older one):
It took us some time to build a good working relationship and at one point I was going to break up with it, but I learned it's ways and now we work pretty well together.  It's super portable and great for when we go on car trips, camping or if I go to spin-ins/festivals.  I don't think I'd take it on a plane since I'm not sure it would fit in the overhead.

I have some spindles as well which are great portable spinning tools at weekend lacrosse and baseball tournaments where there's lots of standing around...clockwise from upper left: Jenkins turkish drop spindle (Aegean), and top whorl spindles by Bosworth, including a moosie (made from cast off moose antler), Spindlewood, love the square whorls and Tracy Eichheim's Woolly Designs with cutouts have found their way into my home and spinning toolbox:

I have more to share but mom duty bus is running 120 minutes late so Mom-bus has been called.

Happy creating! knitting, spinning, crocheting, felting, crafting, sewing...whatever floats your boat

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